Retail IoT Introduction & Outlook for Japan(国内市場におけるリテールIoTの展望)
執筆者: Marc Einstein | 発行号: 2017年10月号
While the vertical applications of IoT in big industries—such as connected cars and smart factories—currently get most of the attention in today’s market, IoT in retail is quickly becoming one of the majoruse cases for digital transformation. This shift is coming about as the traditional retail industry space isnow facing huge pressure to transform itself as e-commerce continues to offer more convenient andcheaper alternatives to traditional retailing. As such, many retail chains are increasingly turning to IoT inan attempt to operate more efficient organizations and gain a better understanding of their businesses.At a global level, this push is being largely driven by the US, where retailers are facing extremepressure from “e-tailers”. In the last year, over 4,000 retail stores have closed, and almost half of USshopping malls are expected to close by 2023. The US media is calling this phenomenon the “retail apocalypse” and this trend is expected to continue in the future. Japan’s market is structurally very different from that of the US, but the continued rise of e-commerce in Japan will also drive change in the domestic market, and therefore retailers will increasingly look to technology in order to enhance their competitiveness.【抄訳】コネクテッドカーやスマートファクトリーといった産業特化型IoTの大規模な適用が注目を集めるなか、リテールIoTも急速にデジタルトランスフォーメーションを代表するケースのひとつになりつつある。Eコマースがより便利で安価となるなかで、従来型の小売業は自らの転換への多大なプレッシャーに直面しており、そのことがこうした変化を引き起こしている。多くの小売チェーンは、効率的な組織運営に取り組み、より深くビジネスを把握するために、徐々にIoTに向かっている。(本文は英語です)