What Is Open RAN and Why Will It Matter to the Enterprise?(Open RANの動向と企業に与える影響)
執筆者: Marc Einstein | 発行号: 2020年10月号
One of the hottest topics which has emerged recently in the telecommunications industry is the recent rise of interest in development of Open Radio Access Networks (RANs), which will have far-reaching implications for the telco sector and eventually the enterprise networking space. Open RAN is essentially the increasing cloudification and disaggregation of RANs, which will give telcos and eventually enterprises increased vendor choices, as well as higher levels of customization when building a wireless network. Open RAN is qauickly gaining momentum around the world and is creating new business models which could be massively disruptive to the telecommunications industry.【抄訳】電気通信業界では、Open RAN(Radio Access Networks)の開発への関心が高まってきている。クラウド化と分散化が進められているOpen RANは、、通信事業者のみならず、最終的には企業のネットワーク分野にも大きな影響を与えるだろう。これにより、企業はワイヤレスネットワークを構築する際、ベンダーの選択肢が増え、より高いレベルのカスタマイズが可能になる。Open RANは世界中で急速に勢いを増しており、新しいビジネスモデルを生み出し、電気通信業界を大きく変革する可能性がある。