
ITR PERSPECTIVE:Gearing Up for 2B Services with Converged 5G Networks

執筆者: Marc Einstein | 発行号: 2020-06

[Introduction – The 5G Journey So Far] 5G network deployments are proliferating around the world, and according to the latest data as of March 2020, there are now 70 commercial 5G networks in 40 countries, and a total of 381 operators are in the midst of investing in 5G networks. In some countries, such as South Korea, 5G Non-Standalone Networks (NSA) have already been widely deployed as population coverage has exceeded 90%, and 10% of the mobile user base is already using a 5G device. Importantly, all three South Korean operators have returned to a revenue growth of roughly 4-6% last year since launching 5G commercial services. Equally important is the fact that 5G users not only in South Korea but also in China and the Middle East are increasingly using 5G for new services such as gaming, VR, and live streaming.NSA networks are suitable for promoting 2C services to consumers as the primary emphasis is on an improved downlink speed. However, as operators seek to offer sophisticated 2B services, more robust 5G network capabilities are needed. 5G Standalone (SA) networks, which are already being deployed in some countries, are equipped with network KPIs such as ultra-high bandwidth combined with ultra-low latency, which will enable the next generation of 2B Digital Transformation.
